
Ecosystem monitoring in practice

Connecting the dots: In the lead-up to the Annual Science Conference, discover the theme sessions and how they relate to ICES ongoing work. Here, theme session C on ecosystem monitoring in practice
Published: 11 August 2015

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Theme session C

Ecosystem monitoring in practice (co-sponsored by PICES)

Conveners: Matthias Schaber (Germany), Sven Gastauer (Australia), Jack Barth (PICES)

Marine monitoring programmes that have traditionally focussed on particular ecosystem components like biogeochemical parameters and commercial fish species have shifted in recent years to reflect the study of the entire ecosystem. Now, diverse components are measured simultaneously with a range of methods and equipment to detect changes, monitor key processes, and observe the ecosystem in general.

Despite modern advances though, monitoring these processes remains a challenge, and the need remains for the continued development of tools and techniques. With the aim being a more holistic approach and improved coverage of components at higher spatial and temporal resolutions, there are calls for a more creative and alternative use of available resources – including personnel, ship time and data as well as research platforms, vessels, and remote sensing, amongst other things.

Theme session C has invited contributions on monitoring methodology, survey design, and collaboration, with each comprising a host of subtopics.

Links to steering groups

Through the efforts of various ICES working groups, connections exist with:

Steering Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (SSGIEA)

Steering Group on Ecosystem Processes and Dynamics (EPDSG)

Links to strategic initiatives

ICES-PICES Strategic Initiative on Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems

Strategic Initiative on Stock Assessment Methods

Theme session C also has strong ties to goals 1, 2, 4 and 5 of ICES Strategic Plan.

Links to expert groups

International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG)

Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys (WGACEGG)

Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS)

Working Group of International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS)

Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST)

ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB)          

Working Group on Integrating Surveys for the Ecosystem Approach (WGISUR)

Working Group on Improving use of Survey Data for Assessment and Advice (WGISDAA)

Links to other theme sessions​

Theme session A - ​​Advancement of stock assessment methods for sustainable fisheries ​​​​

Theme session D - ​New approaches to measure and assess biodiversity​​​​

​​Theme session N - Seafloor habitat mapping: from observation to management​

Theme session S - Basin-scale dynamics at lower trophic levels in the North Atlantic​​​

​​Theme session R - causes and consequences of hypoxia ​


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Ecosystem monitoring in practice

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