Workshop on relevant geographical area on the temporal migration patterns of European eel

The Workshop on the temporal migration patterns of European eel, in response to the EU request for ICES advice on the relevant geographical area and temporal migration patterns of European eel, will specifically answer the questions agreed with the EU.
  1. Describe the period and the peak time of arrival of European glass eel on the different EU shores, and whether this has changed substantially since before 2007 (by eel management unit (EMU) if possible, or next higher aggregate level. Areas outside the EU are not to be covered).
  2. Describe the period and the peak time of escapement of European silver eel from the different relevant regions in the EU towards the Sargasso Sea, and whether this has changed substantially since before 2007 (by EMU and idem to 1).
  3. Describe the period and the peak time of migration of the yellow eel, when relevant, through different relevant regions in the EU (when, and from and to where yellow eels migrate), and whether this has changed substantially since before 2007 (by EMU and idem to 1).
  4. Describe in the relevant cases, the period when migrating eels need to pass through narrow passages (e.g. such as the exits of the Baltic and Mediterranean) on the way to their destination, and whether this has changed substantially since before 2007.
  5. Assess whether the closure periods set up under the national Eel Management Plans prior to the EU temporal closure are consistent (in terms of time periods of the closures) with the periods established following the EU closure. This requires delivery of information on glass/silver, yellow and silver eel fisheries on (i) the fishery closure periods per EMU area in place from 2000 to 2007, (ii) any changes introduced through EMPs, and (iii) in response to the EU closures in 2018 and 2019.
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