Title Squid range expansion in a marine climate change ‘hotspot’ and why it matters to fisheries
Start Time 20/09/2017 16:15
End Time 20/09/2017 16:25
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom F
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 263
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Squid range expansion in a marine climate change ‘hotspot’ and why it matters to fisheries
Link to Abstract:First Author Georg H. Engelhard
Link to Abstract:ID 263
Theme session A
Theme session:Title ICES - PICES session: Projected impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, wild captured and cultured fisheries, and fishery dependent communities
Theme session:Symbol A
Theme session:Convenors name Jon Hare (USA) John Pinnegar (UK) Myron Peck (Germany) Shin-ichi Ito (Japan)​
Content Type: Event