Title Influences of model structure on estimates of community dynamics and biomass production from a multispecies Bayesian state-space model
Start Time 20/09/2017 11:50
End Time 20/09/2017 12:00
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom G
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 591
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Influences of model structure on estimates of community dynamics and biomass production from a multispecies Bayesian state-space model
Link to Abstract:First Author Robert P. Wildermuth
Link to Abstract:ID 591
Theme session S
Theme session:Title Stock assessment methods, model complexity, and uncertainty
Theme session:Symbol S
Theme session:Convenors name Arni Magnusson (ICES) Patrick Lynch (USA) Erik Olsen (Norway)
Content Type: Event