Title Identifying spawning ecotypes in Baltic Sea flounder using otolith microchemistry.
Start Time 21/09/2017 14:00
End Time 21/09/2017 14:12
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Plenary Ballroom ABCD
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 405
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Identifying spawning ecotypes in Baltic Sea flounder using otolith microchemistry
Link to Abstract:First Author M. A. Samson
Link to Abstract:ID 405
Theme session N
Theme session:Title Population status, life histories, ecology, assessment, and management of diadromous fishes
Theme session:Symbol N
Theme session:Convenors name Karen Wilson (USA) Lari Veneranta (Finland)
Content Type: Event