Title Effects of offshore renewables on benthos: prioritizing the known unknowns
Start Time 21/09/2017 11:25
End Time 21/09/2017 11:30
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom H
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Poster
Link to Abstract 458
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Effects of offshore renewables on benthos: prioritizing the known unknowns
Link to Abstract:First Author Jennifer Dannheim
Link to Abstract:ID 458
Theme session K
Theme session:Title Introducing man-made structures in marine systems: assessing ecological effects, knowledge gaps and management implications
Theme session:Symbol K
Theme session:Convenors name Silvana Birchenough (UK) Jennifer Dannheim (Germany) Furu Mienis (the Netherlands)
Content Type: Event