Title Linking observed changes to the base of the food web and regime shift-like changes in fish production on the US northeast continental shelf
Start Time 19/09/2017 16:42
End Time 19/09/2017 16:54
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom E
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 584
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Linking observed changes to the base of the food web and regime shift-like changes in fish production on the US northeast continental shelf
Link to Abstract:First Author Ryan E. Morse
Link to Abstract:ID 584
Theme session G
Theme session:Title Marine foodwebs from end-to-end and back again, a theme session in honor of John Steele
Theme session:Symbol G
Theme session:Convenors name Jeremy Collie (USA) Manuel Barange (Italy) Mariano K​oen-Alonso (Canada)
Content Type: Event