Title Developing a robust framework for applying metabarcoding analyses to identify pelagic ichthyoplankton in the California Current
Start Time 18/09/2017 15:50
End Time 18/09/2017 16:05
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Plenary Ballroom ABCD
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 201
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Developing a robust framework for applying metabarcoding analyses to identify pelagic ichthyoplankton in the California Current
Link to Abstract:First Author Dovi Kacev
Link to Abstract:ID 201
Theme session C
Theme session:Title Microbes to mammals: metabarcoding of the marine pelagic assemblage
Theme session:Symbol C
Theme session:Convenors name Ann Bucklin (USA) Rowena Stern (UK) Katja Metfies (Germany)
Content Type: Event