Title The recruitment dynamics of the Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) off Chile: recruitment regimes and performance of the current management strategy.
Start Time 19/09/2017 11:23
End Time 19/09/2017 11:35
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom H
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 614
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title The recruitment dynamics of the Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) off Chile: recruitment regimes and performance of the current management strategy.
Link to Abstract:First Author Luis A. Cubillos
Link to Abstract:ID 614
Theme session P
Theme session:Title Recruitment dynamics in a changing environment: integrating spatial and temporal variability into stock assessment and management strategies
Theme session:Symbol P
Theme session:Convenors name Fabian Zimmermann (Norway) LaTreese Denson (​​USA) Katja Enberg (Norway)
Content Type: Event