Title Environment regulates the invasive round goby in the Baltic Sea
Start Time 19/09/2017 11:15
End Time 19/09/2017 11:20
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom E
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Poster
Link to Abstract 412
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Environment regulates the invasive round goby in the Baltic Sea
Link to Abstract:First Author Kristiina Nurkse
Link to Abstract:ID 412
Theme session B
Theme session:Title ICES-PICES-CIESM session: Bioinvasion trajectories and impacts in contrasting marine environments​​
Theme session:Symbol B
Theme session:Convenors name Henn Ojaveer (Estonia) Cynthia McKenzie (Canada) Thomas Therriault (Canada)
Content Type: Event