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ICES ASC 2016 abstracts
abstract Ad Stolk 1xx.pdfIntroduction session <br> Make marine sediment extraction sustainable by mitigation of related processes with potential negative impactsabstract Ad Stolk 1xxAd Stolk271K25/08/2016 08:07
abstract Ad Stolk 2.pdfLarge scale sand extraction. Monitoring effects on morphology and ecosystemabstract Ad Stolk 2Ad Stolk272K25/08/2016 08:07
Abstract Fish Presentation_ASC Riga.pdfImpact of dredging activity on the distribution and diet of demersal fish species in a commercial marine aggregate extraction site of the eastern Channel (Dieppe, France)Abstract Fish Presentation_ASC RigaMichel Desprez273K25/08/2016 08:07
abstract Jyrki Hämäläinen.pdfMarine sand and gravel extraction for Helsinki harbor – monitoring the impact of the extraction worksabstract Jyrki HämäläinenJyrki Hämäläinen274K25/08/2016 08:07
Abstract Recovery Presentation_ASC Riga.pdfThe role of extraction strategy on the recovery of biological communities in two French sites of marine aggregate extraction in the eastern Channel. Management implications for sustainabilityAbstract Recovery Presentation_ASC RigaMichel Desprez275K25/08/2016 08:07
abstract Sytze van Heteren.pdfCombining measured and visually observed granulometric characteristics in updatable voxel models of seabed sedimentabstract Sytze van HeterenSytze van Heteren276K25/08/2016 08:07
Abstract_ICES CM2016_K_De Backer A.pdfRelation between dredging intensity and frequency and its impact on a benthic sandy habitatAbstract_ICES CM2016_K_De Backer AAnnelies De Backer277K25/08/2016 08:55
Ecosystem based design rules for sand extraction sites_1.pdfEcosystem based design rules for sand extraction sitesEcosystem based design rules for sand extraction sites_1Maarten de Jong278K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES 2016 abstract KDMR.pdfMinimisation of the impact of sand extraction on the Belgian part of the North Sea by the introduction of a newly defined reference surface.ICES 2016 abstract KDMRKoen Degrendele262K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES ASC 2016 abstract session K_1.pdfIdentifying, assessment and adaptive environmental management of environmental effects between UK dredging areas and herring Clupea harengus spawning habitatICES ASC 2016 abstract session K_1Ian Reach263K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES ASC 2016 abstract session K_2b.pdfRobust Marine Protected Area designation through the use of marine aggregate sector environmental dataICES ASC 2016 abstract session K_2bIan Reach264K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES ASC CM 2016-K Abstract JA van Dalfsen.pdfDevelopments in cumulative impact assessment from a marine minerals extraction viewICES ASC CM 2016-K Abstract JA van DalfsenJan A. van Dalfsen265K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES CM 2016K_ABSTRACT_K COOPER.pdfMarine aggregate dredging: a new monitoring approach to meet the needs of the Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveICES CM 2016K_ABSTRACT_K COOPERKeith Cooper266K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES_ASC2016_Vera Van Lancker_poster.pdfMSFD-compliant investigative monitoring of the effects of intensive aggregate extraction on a far offshore sandbank, Belgian part of the North SeaICES_ASC2016_Vera Van Lancker_posterV.R.M. Van Lancker267K25/08/2016 08:07
ICES2016_SessionK_Terseleer.pdfOptimization of monitoring and modelling frameworks to mitigate negative effects of aggregate extraction, Belgian part of the North SeaICES2016_SessionK_TerseleerNathan Terseleer268K25/08/2016 08:07
ICESabstract.pdfQuantifying the resource potential of Quaternary sands on the Belgian Continental Shelf: a 3D voxel modelling approachICESabstractVasileios Hademenos269K25/08/2016 08:07
Van den Eynde et al - ICES2016.pdfChanges in bottom shear stress, due to aggregate extraction, in the area of the Hinder Banks (Belgian Continental Shelf)Van den Eynde et al - ICES2016Dries Van den Eynde270K25/08/2016 08:07